Darrell Henry
Darrell is the leader and co-founder of the Western Caucus Foundation—a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to upholding the fundamental priorities of the Western and rural members of the House and Senate, including addressing energy, environmental stewardship, and agriculture and forestry. Darrell is a recognized policy expert on natural resource, environmental, and ‘western’ related issues. Having worked for elected officials from states on both coasts, Darrell brings a unique understanding of how they view western and rural way of life. Darrell strongly believes in the need to educate and advocate for the interests and values of western and rural America, and how they differ dramatically from that of those on the coasts.
Darrell has also run his own public affairs firm, ROQ Strategies, which provides private clients with strategic consulting as well as organization management for non-profits and coalitions. Prior to forming ROQ Strategies, he helped shape national energy policy that led to the landmark 2005 Energy Policy Act as the Director of Public Affairs at the American Gas Association (AGA). At AGA, he helped organize and manage the largest business coalitions ever formed to support federal energy legislation.
Darrell is a former Chairman of the National Energy Resource Organization (NERO), which is a non-partisan group that engages in dialogue on energy issues. Darrell is a former aide to Governor Pataki (NY), U.S. Senator D’Amato (NY), Governor Wilson (CA), and a member of the British House of Commons in London, U.K. He has held leadership roles on political campaigns at all levels of government as well as with independent expenditure and Super PAC organizations.
Darrell earned a BA from The American University and a Master of Public Administration in Intergovernmental Management and Policy from the University of Southern California. Darrell is a 5th generation Californian from a pioneer ranching family that helped settle the West. He now resides in Arlington, VA with his family.